Guest Post by

Hello Celebrity Wedding 411 readers, my name is Stephanie Elizabeth, I’m the Editor of Fab You Bliss, a lifestyle blog geared towards promoting fabulous photographers as well as featuring home inspiration and tid-bits on married life. And I’m also a wedding and portrait photographer. Penny asked if I would like to share some wedding advice with her readers and of course I gladly accepted. So today I’m going to share with you some of my thoughts on choosing a photographer for your wedding.
Of all the details that go into a wedding, one of the most regretted decisions is choosing the wrong photographer. And yet it continues to amaze me that so many couples don’t make selecting a photographer their top decision. I’ve said this before and I will say it again, you can have the most beautiful location, a gorgeous gown, stunning hair and make-up, spectacular details and a brilliant looking wedding party, but if your photographer is no good…your images will be too.
In this economy every budget is going to be tight. But don’t scrimp on your photographer. In my opinion, you should plan on reserving at least half of your budget for your photographer. That is not to say the most expensive photographer is the best, but their fee does dictate their experience and you want an experienced photographer, right? So do your research on the photographers you like and definitely be wary of anyone charging much less than the norm for your area.
So the bottom line is this, choose a photographer whose style speaks to you and don’t try to bargain on price. I mean, would you bargain with your dentist for a root canal? This answer is no and the same should go for your photographer. Their fees are set as their cost of doing business and you should respect that if you want quality work. Because in the end, you are always going to get what you pay for.
And there you have it. Obviously these are just my opinions, but I do hope they are of some use to you in your planning.
Have a Fab You Bliss day!