Promise rings are becoming more and more popular among teen and adult celebrities. A promise ring can have different meanings: a promise to be faithful with the person you love, a promise to wait for marriage to have sex, a sort-of pre-engagement or just to express what is in your heart. It is usually worn on the ring finger.

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson:
In April of 2011, the dreamy vampire Robert Pattinson gave girlfriend Kristen Stewart a promise ring estimated at $17,000! The ring is said to be a rose-cut diamond set in rose gold. (Just a side note: Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that their relationship is very steady and he offered her a promise ring when in the upcoming release of Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part.1, they actually get married! It’s as if they were getting married for real!)
The Jonas Brothers:
The Jonas Brothers have always made their promise rings known to the public and continued wearing/defending them when people criticized them for wearing them. They stayed true to their beliefs (a difficult thing to do sometimes, especially in Hollywood). The brothers have made a promise to God to wait for married to become sexually active. Kevin Jonas is the only one currently to have taken off his promise ring in exchange for his wedding ring.
Miley Cyrus:
Contrary to popular beliefs and rumors, Miley Cyrus has also made a promise to God and waiting for marriage. Miley received her promise ring from her mom at age 12 and hasn’t taken it off since. In a Seventeen interview, she says “I’m very much about ‘no sex before marriage’. I think it’s easier when the guy believes the same thing as you do, so you’re not always fighting a battle.” When asked what she tells every guy she dates, Miley responded “I just say it. I’m like ‘Oh, by the way, I’m not having sex with you. I know this dress looks good on me, but it’s staying on!” If this is true, go Miley!
Selena Gomez:
Similar to Miley, Selena Gomez has had her promise ring since the age of 12. She asked her father for it and even had him go to their church and have it blessed. She made a vow to remain a virgin until marriage. However 6 years after that vow, she has been seen with her boyfriend Justin Bieber and without her promise ring. Maybe she is waiting for her next promise ring from Justin Bieber, promising a different kind of vow – the one of love.
Jordin Sparks:
Jordin Sparks is a huge believer in promise rings to God. She has defended her case time over time and even defended other stars that were getting made fun of for their rings. Her parents gave her a promise ring and explained to her that waiting until marriage is the better thing to do. She adds it wasn’t forced, it just made perfect sense. She also says “It’s going to be awesome to say to my husband that I waited my whole life for him.” Aww, that is sweet!
Ashley Tisdale:
In 2008, Ashley celebrated her second anniversary by exchanging promise rings with her boyfriend, Jared Murillo.
While the celebrities are sporting promise rings to God, these rings can symbolize any promise you would like. Many non-celebrity couples are now offering each other promise rings to be together forever, a sort of pre-engagement ring if they are too young to be engaged or if they just aren’t ready.
What do you think? Would you wear a promise ring?
What do you think? Would you wear a promise ring?