It seems like only yesterday I was writing about how I thought every Hollywood couple should aspire to be like Seal and Heidi.
The couple annouced their separation on Sunday (1/22)
I am actually in shock that they have separated. An interview of Seal with Tavis Smiley on PBS will air this Friday. During the interview Seal seems quite reassured that he and Heidi will be able to resolve their difference in a peaceful manner and not create a hostile breakup. During the interview he said, "In terms of our love and respect for each other, it hasn't changed at all. I think that when two people feel that way about each other, it is easy – it is easier to make that transition. What one has to do in this situation is remain civil and to retain one's dignity and to be professional and to understand that we are not the only people on this planet that go through this. It is just unfortunately a chapter of life."
I found this odd though- Seal is still wearing his wedding ring. When he taped his interview with Ellen DeGeneres yesterday he was wearing the ring and said "It's just pretty much a token of how I feel about this woman. We have eight years, eight wonderful years together. Just because we have decided to separate doesn't necessarily mean you take off your ring and you're no longer connected to that person. We will be connected in many ways 'til the rest of our lives." He explains that he is comfortable with the ring on his finger and has no intention of taking it off anytime soon. The episode of Ellen will air tomorrow, Wednesday, 1/25.
This separation is coincidentally occurring at the same time as Seal's album is coming out. There are rumors brewing that the couple did this just to increase publicity. I honestly don't know what to believe. I thought they were in it for the long haul.
Am I the only one who is extremely shocked?