It isn't because I don't like them, because I don't have a problem with them per se but I do have a problem with their constant make ups and break ups. Nothing is more annoying than a couple who can't decide if they love or hate each other. One minute they're fine, the next they're fighting because one doesn't trust the other. Before we know it Sammi is crying, and Ron is screaming and throwing things around.
So I thought I would take a look at the roller coaster ride we refer to as Ron and Sam's relationship, and highlight all the make ups and break ups over the years.

By the end of the 1st season for all we knew Sam and Ron were still together and everything was good, until the reunion special. An argument was sparked by some unseen footage of a flirtatious
conversation between Sam and Mike, and resulted in Sammi crying (of course) and locking herself in the bathroom during the special. They break up.

Season 2 in Miami started with Ronnie and Sam single, even though Sammi still has feelings and wants to rekindle their relationship. Long story short, Ron gets into the habit of going out and acting like "single Ron". Eventually Snooki and Jenni take it into their own hands and write an anonymous letter to Sam telling her what Ron has really been up to. Sammi cries, Ronnie yells, they break up.
Season 3 starts and they're together. After a fight in the club, Ron throws Sam's stuff around their room and tells her to get out at the peak of the argument.

The girls convince Sam to take a break from Ronnie which leads to Ron and Sam getting into not just a verbal altercation, but a physical one too. Both need to be restrained and Sam decides to go out with the girls and Ron ultimately decides to trash the room, throw Sam's stuff on the porch and destroy her things. Sam cries.
Sammi leaves the shore house for a little while leaving Ronie an emotional mess. When she
returns Ron attempts to get back with her but Sam shuts him down. After Ron accuses Sam of texting another guy, the season ends with Sam being called "the biggest liar in the world." They break up.

Season 4 started with them broken up in Italy. Soon they were getting along again. And before we knew it- they make up.
The season ended with them together and it seemed legit for once. Until this week when they broke up.
So as we can all see for now they are broken up but who knows how long that will last because they do have a tendency to break up then make up like 3 seconds later.
Do you think there is any more annoying couple than Ronnie and Sam?